Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mascara is made up of bat poop

my mom is getting pretty annoyed with my tech addiction, especially when I'm on the computer.
Mom please, Bill gates dropped out of college and spent hours in front of a computer... so if I were you, I would leave me alone.

So today my cousin came over an applied tons of Mascara on her face. then I told her that mascara is made of bats poop. You're welcome, ladies. Ots like Younger girls put make up and look older, while older women put makeup and look younger. Secrets of makeup are best not to be questioned!

I wish my friend's houses were connected to mine via secret tunnels. That would be so cool! seein as though both of us suffer from insomnia. My best friend is not my boyfriend, it's a girl who I think is amazing, has an extravagant personality and awe capturing eyes and a heavenly smile. im not a girl who brags about her boyfriend being her best friend. There's a line between relationships and friendships, that most people don't see. but I'm not one to tell, being single and all.

Today I couldn't finish my chemistry assignment. the teacher forgot about the homework until a nerd reminded her. I don't like those who always remind the teacher for the test or homework, dude what's your problem?

Oh well. Thanks for reading so far, to all the ladies who haven't heard this tonight, you're beautiful! and to all the guys: You the man! :) xx

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