Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Does anyone else hate it when someone groans..?
Here's my view on the concept of "groaning".

When somebody groans during a movie i suggested, or when I'm in the middle of a really well thought out joke and somebody groans, it mkes me want to time travel back to the past and prevent suggesting anything.

Do people even have manners? i mean, to just groan around as if im not with them? whats happening to the world? Does anyone even care about each others "feelings" anymore?

I swear to god, the next time someone groans, THIS'll happen:
Me: So Eat, Pray, Love was a really well thought out movie, we should like get together and see it sometime!
Groaner: Oh...*Groan* do we have to? I'd rather watch something else.

I get the point! What was the point of "groaning" in the middle though? what you just like rubbing it in me or something?

SO THIS IS MY IDEA to rid the world of groaning:

The next time you hear anyone you know groan, even if they're in the middle of a sentence, just screeam "SQUIRREL!" and point somewhere.

My theory is if you freak them, they'll stop groaning completely...
So let's start this project...soon to be known around the world as...

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